Helpful Links and Resources. is the source for energy news, conservation advice and valuable information for New Jersey home owners.

TankEasy is a revolutionary oil tank management program designed to be better than oil tank insurance. It is a program managed by professional environmental consultants who can provide knowledgeable and friendly service.

NORA is a collaborative program established by the oilheating industry to strengthen the industry by improving education and training for employees in the industry, providing customers more information, and developing new products for customers.

This site has a wealth of information about Oilheat, including Oilheating equipment, oil production, the benefits of Oilheat, FAQs ... and much more.

Sid Harveys, Wholesale Refrigeration, A/C & Heating Parts & Equipment.

Rollie provides tank and line heaters for both residential and commercial outside fuel oil tanks. Prevents fuel tanks from freezing.

New Jersey Guide to Meeting Basic Utility Needs and Utility Assistance Programs